Author: Bill Jason
If you are looking for a great business idea, a Blog, short for "Web Log," is a hot way to generate lots of traffic to your website! People are searching the internet for free information and having your own Blog is a great way to deliver it to them. Why would you want to give away free information? Because with time people will come to view you as an authority figure on whatever topic your Blog is about, and then eventually they will gain trust in you, and people will buy much more readily from people who they know and trust!
A Blog is basically a webpage that focuses on information rather then on flashy graphics. This is great if your knowledge of HTML is slim to none. The only thing you need to do is, post "articles" to your Blog on whatever topic you decide your Blog will be about, such as, Business opportunities, business ideas, affiliate programs, home based business, work at home, make money online, etc. The optimal number of words that should make up each of your articles is 450-600. The best way to run your Blog is by posting one new article a day. This way people will keep coming back to your Blog every day to read your latest article, and as I mentioned earlier this will not only familiarize people with whom you are but it will also build their confidence and trust in you, creating a state of mind in people that facilitates buying!
On your Blog you would want to put a link to your website along with your biographical information such as: [John Doe is the owner of John specializes in helping people to work at home with their own home based business through the aid of various online business opportunities and affiliate programs. To make money online visit]. Your bio would be positioned at the end of each and every post you make so that people will always know were to find your site. As peoples confidence in you grow, more and more people will begin to visit your website and some will eventually buy from you!
If you don't like the thought of writing an article every day and you don't mind spending a little money you can pay a "Ghost Writer" to write your articles for you. No, one will know you are not the actual author and you will have the copyrights to the articles. You can find many ghost writers on the internet who will charge very reasonable prices. For instance for your Blog you would need about 30 articles written a month. You can find ghost writers who will write 30 quality articles for you every month for as low as $19.99!
There are lots of internet sites that will host your Blog site for free and setting up your Blog with them is E-A-S-Y! Once your Blog is set up the only thing you will need to do is post your articles each day. Sooner or later search engines will become aware of your Blog site. They will spider it, word for word, and when someone types a phrase or keyword that matches what is on one of your articles into one of the search engines, your Blog will show up on the search results with a link back to your Blog so be sure to include phrases and keywords into your articles that have a high search rate!
One last thing I should mention is that, you can also put cost-per-click(CPC) advertising, such as Google AdSense, on your Blog to earn additional revenue. You will be paid every time someone clicks on one of their ads on your Blog. Google makes it just as easy for you to put their AdSense ads on your Blog as it is for you to set up your Blog and it's free! As time goes on and more of your articles are bringing in more traffic to your Blog, the amount of revenue CPC advertising will bring you can be quite substantial!
Having a Blog is a terrific way to drive lots of free high quality relevant traffic to your website. It's easy to set up, requires no HTML, and it can also generate additional revenue for you through, cost-per-click(CPC) advertising. Most importantly it helps establish you as an authority figure, an expert in your field, who people will begin to believe in and eventually do whatever you say!
Bill Jason, "The Affiliate King," is the owner of A home based business opportunities and business ideas website that helps people make money with their own home based business.
If you are looking for a great business idea, a Blog, short for "Web Log," is a hot way to generate lots of traffic to your website! People are searching the internet for free information and having your own Blog is a great way to deliver it to them. Why would you want to give away free information? Because with time people will come to view you as an authority figure on whatever topic your Blog is about, and then eventually they will gain trust in you, and people will buy much more readily from people who they know and trust!
A Blog is basically a webpage that focuses on information rather then on flashy graphics. This is great if your knowledge of HTML is slim to none. The only thing you need to do is, post "articles" to your Blog on whatever topic you decide your Blog will be about, such as, Business opportunities, business ideas, affiliate programs, home based business, work at home, make money online, etc. The optimal number of words that should make up each of your articles is 450-600. The best way to run your Blog is by posting one new article a day. This way people will keep coming back to your Blog every day to read your latest article, and as I mentioned earlier this will not only familiarize people with whom you are but it will also build their confidence and trust in you, creating a state of mind in people that facilitates buying!
On your Blog you would want to put a link to your website along with your biographical information such as: [John Doe is the owner of John specializes in helping people to work at home with their own home based business through the aid of various online business opportunities and affiliate programs. To make money online visit]. Your bio would be positioned at the end of each and every post you make so that people will always know were to find your site. As peoples confidence in you grow, more and more people will begin to visit your website and some will eventually buy from you!
If you don't like the thought of writing an article every day and you don't mind spending a little money you can pay a "Ghost Writer" to write your articles for you. No, one will know you are not the actual author and you will have the copyrights to the articles. You can find many ghost writers on the internet who will charge very reasonable prices. For instance for your Blog you would need about 30 articles written a month. You can find ghost writers who will write 30 quality articles for you every month for as low as $19.99!
There are lots of internet sites that will host your Blog site for free and setting up your Blog with them is E-A-S-Y! Once your Blog is set up the only thing you will need to do is post your articles each day. Sooner or later search engines will become aware of your Blog site. They will spider it, word for word, and when someone types a phrase or keyword that matches what is on one of your articles into one of the search engines, your Blog will show up on the search results with a link back to your Blog so be sure to include phrases and keywords into your articles that have a high search rate!
One last thing I should mention is that, you can also put cost-per-click(CPC) advertising, such as Google AdSense, on your Blog to earn additional revenue. You will be paid every time someone clicks on one of their ads on your Blog. Google makes it just as easy for you to put their AdSense ads on your Blog as it is for you to set up your Blog and it's free! As time goes on and more of your articles are bringing in more traffic to your Blog, the amount of revenue CPC advertising will bring you can be quite substantial!
Having a Blog is a terrific way to drive lots of free high quality relevant traffic to your website. It's easy to set up, requires no HTML, and it can also generate additional revenue for you through, cost-per-click(CPC) advertising. Most importantly it helps establish you as an authority figure, an expert in your field, who people will begin to believe in and eventually do whatever you say!
Bill Jason, "The Affiliate King," is the owner of A home based business opportunities and business ideas website that helps people make money with their own home based business.
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